dimanche 29 juin 2014

Whisky Review: Glen Breton 14 years bottled @43%

Whisky Review: Glen Breton 14 years bottled @43%

-1st Glen Breton
-bottled above 43%

Colour: pure gold, light bodied

Nose: smooth sweet notes, creamy wood notes, wood sawdust, light apples, handcream, banana. Very interesting nose, slightly more complex than the average Canadian

Mouth: Very light sweetness, pretty robust, does not hold very well, unsteady...candies? Light sweet notes...

Finish: Very flat, except some lingering light sweetness.

C for the taste. You would except so much more from this 14 years old...To a certain extent, it has the roughness of some NAS...I mean, not sure whether or not the casks are to blame, but I'd suggest using ex-bourbon casks to give more character.

E for presentation, outdated bottling in an oversized box = wasting money on presentation. Update the bottle and keep it simple.

D- for price. 94$ (SAQ) is a total rip off for this Whisky. We do get it's 14 years and from a smaller company. Yet the taste/price ratio of completely off. This could side with much cheaper Alberta Premium or even CC 20 years old (more or less 60$).  

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